No one man should have all that power
One day a based guy flexed me his epic server setup, which has a lot of services, each of them running in different virtual machines using Proxmox. I thought it was pretty epic, so I decided to copy it.
Proxmox is a virtual machine manager based on Debian, according to wikipedia “Proxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE or PVE) is a hyper-converged infrastructure open-source software.” But none of those words are in the Bible. So I will stick to my definition.
My T400 is on his deathbed these days, it is powering off automatically after some time running (this could be a battery/charge issue, I will change the charger when I finish writing this) so I got 2 VPS, one on a good VPS provider and the other in Delegao Ltd.
When this guy asked me what OS I wanted on the server I said Proxmox for the laughs, but having a virtual machine virtualizing other virtual machines is something that for funny how it sounds, works pretty well.
The host server is a normal QEMU virtual machine with 8GB of ram, 80GB of storage and a 2.6GHz 4 core processor. May sound shitty but as the host is a friend of mine I can call this guy in any moment and say pump it
Something pretty cool about Proxmox is you can create VMs as well as LXC containers (which use less resources than VMs as they’re VERY glorified chroots), so my recommendation would be to use LXC if you’re going to set up a Linux machine and a VM if you’re going to set up a BSD or, I don’t know, plan 9.
The purpose of this post is to flex my Proxmox setup not gonna lie.
Load balancer
As I said, the T400 is fucking dying. And I wanted to have up most of the time. So I set up a mirror of my website in 3 servers ( and (this one is the dreaded T400)). And points to, port 80 and 433 of this IP address is NAT’ed to the haproxy virtual machine.
There are some difference between one server and anothers (for now the only difference is the video played in the 404 page.
Virtual Private Network
I have a Virtual Private Network to connect all these VMs and physical machines such as my desktop, laptop and phone so they can access each other. I use Wireguard as tunnel software because I’m not mentally ill… I think.
The VPN is running in the “router” machine, which runs the latest OpenBSD version, 7.2. The only purpose of this machine is to run wireguard and serve as router. Nothing else.
DNS Server
I tried to set up pi-hole, but it was made by some idiot which wrote the worst Makefile known to mankind so I could not install it, so I decided to go the old way. Using unbound. There’s a anime website explaining how to do it. After solving issues because of the VPN routing stuff, (basically allowing in unbound config) it basically worked, so I could add the following line to the wireguard config in my devices:
DNS = # This is MY IP address it might differ from yours
So everytime I bring the VPN up in my devices I will have an adblocker in a DNS server I trust.
As I have my own DNS server, I can create my own domains which resolves to the IP address inside the VPN.
ntopng is computer software for monitoring traffic on a computer network. It also contains a web interface in which you can see the traffic status, what kind of traffic it is (http, tcp, ssh), where it comes from, and where it is going. I have it running in the main node (the one that runs proxmox) because it is the only machine in which all the traffic goes through.
Mail server
Yeah I also have a Debian container running an email server, as the pain of setting up an email server is unbeareable, I have used emailwiz, a script by the old legend known as Luke Smith, which also installs spamassassin which is pretty great. And it makes it work with aliases and multiple domain if you’re bold enough to read the documentation.
I should create a control panel to manage aliases, users and stuff, written in perl, obviously.
Kanboard is a kanban board which basically keeps track of the things you have to do in general. Good for keeping track of your tasks or of your life ni general.
I was too lazy to install MediaWiki so I just installed DokuWiki because it’s easier to install. configure and use in general. And does the exact same shit plus dokuwiki has that 2005 aesthetic which can only be replicated by Monobook.
Cheatsheet for configuration
It’s pretty epic to have all the VMs you want, but as my surname is not Rockefeller or Rothschild, I cannot have more than 1 IP address. So I have to do some kind of port forwarding to each IP address, this is done with IP tables NAT rules. It is not that hard. this is the bsae command I found on an very SEO optimized Indian website:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i <INTERFACE> -p <tcp|udp> --dport <PORT> -j DNAT --to <DESTINATION_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
And that will just work, the whole networking thing on Linux is a
fucking joke so each time you reboot your server it will delete the
rules so run iptables-save
once in a while and check the
Ansible is a thing that people use to “manage the servers”, “configuration management”, and “application deployment functionality” but that’s just a fancy way to say “run the same commands in multiple servers automatically”. Because that’s truly the only thing it works for. You can write playbooks (in YAML format because we never learn) in which you write the commands you want to the execute, the debug commands and what to do in case of exceptions. I’ve written a few playbooks and they’re available on my git.