#+INCLUDE: "inc/header.html" export html #+options: toc:nil #+OPTIONS: html-postamble:nil #+OPTIONS: html-style:nil #+OPTIONS: num:nil p:nil pri:nil stat:nil tags:nil tasks:nil tex:nil timestamp:nil toc:nil title:nil ^:nil #+TITLE: SURAGU - SOUSA #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: sousa.html * SURAGU Official University of Systems Administration (SOUSA) So you came here from 4chan, and you're the definitive broke ass nigga? Well no problem because with this shit course you'll be the Lion Sysadmin. If you pay for it, clearly. In this course you will learn to: - Set up your own Linux server using an old computer (or a VPS) - How to install Linux - How to configure nginx, prosody, NextCloud and other services - Using nginx to serve other websites (Reverse proxy) - Set up your own VPN, so you can have all your devices connected - Set up services inside that VPN with a custom Top Level Domain (LTD) - Creating a Certificate Authority, so you can have HTTPS on your VPN - Set up means of communication (XMPP, Matrix, IRC) - How to interpret error logs, so you can fix your stuff - How to fix your server when it blows up - How to see your server's stadistics - How to make scripts in a real programming language (Perl, maybe Python and Bash) - How to learn things on your own, so you don't have to email me every time you have a question. Knowing all of these GUARANTEES a job in an IT consultant!