* suragu.net source files ** building clone this repo in =~/repos/suragu_org= or change the =base-directory= attribute to wherever this repo is and eval the following snippet #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-publish-project-alist '(("suragu.net" :base-directory "~/repos/suragu_org/" :publishing-directory "~/repos/suragu_org/out_html" :section-numbers nil :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :table-of-contents nil :recursive t ))) (defun make-suragu () (interactive) (org-publish "suragu.net") #+end_src and run =M-x make-suragu=. Resulting files will be in =~/repos/suragu_org/out_html= (or wherever =publishing-directory= is pointing to.) You'll also have to use less to generate the .css file from the given .less file. You can use =lessc=, an online less to css converter, or whatever you want. Thing is that you have to convert the .less file to .css.