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2023-06-20 14:34:32 +02:00
#+INCLUDE: "inc/header.html" export html
#+options: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: html-postamble:nil
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#+OPTIONS: num:nil p:nil pri:nil stat:nil tags:nil tasks:nil tex:nil timestamp:nil toc:nil title:nil ^:nil
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styles.css"/>
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" />
#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: guitar.html
* Bitch I don't need to play osu I have a guitar
This section of the website is used to host all my recording with my
guitar, a Squier Bullet Mustang. Kurt Cobain have this one (or at
least he did before he shot himself). Thing is that I'm still a
complete newfag to guitar and musical theory in general so I might as
well suck. But this is to track my progress rather than to impress
TODO list:
- Learn the chords and shit
- Learn how to actually do stuff
- Learn everything that I have to learn
- Songs:
- I no longer fear the razor guarding my heel IV by suicideboys
- Rusty Cage by soundgarden
- All of pink floyd songs
- Anything that I like to be honest
** Smoke on the water
Everybody begins with this:
#+begin_export html
<audio controls>
<source src="/audio/guitar/smoke_on_the_water.mp3">
&gt;his browser can't play audio
** Jesucristo Garcia
Good song, good song, I still have to get good at this
#+begin_export html
<audio controls>
<source src="/audio/guitar/jesucristogarcia.mp3">
&gt;his browser can't play audio
#+begin_export html
<audio controls>
<source src="/audio/guitar/jesucristogarcia2.mp3">
&gt;his browser can't play audio
** Crazy train
Crazy, but that how it goes
#+begin_export html
<audio controls>
<source src="/audio/guitar/crazytrain.mp3">
&gt;his browser can't play audio
** Paranoid
Playing this song is therapeutic
#+begin_export html
<audio controls>
<source src="/audio/guitar/paranoid.mp3">
&gt;his browser can't play audio